Magnus Kolaas

Columbia, South Carolina Metropolitan Area 

Magnus has been an international serial entrepreneur for the past 20 years, for the last five years with a focus on microbiology, and with the Noone4u Group with a circular  focus,  trying to use all materials for a sustainable business. 


If you meet me in a lift, this would be your thoughts stepping out, ” - He.

has some tremendous ideas,

relentless energy

want to reach beyond the objective

"Smile" and he helped me with a shortcut to the train station." 

If you ever get to know me or meet me again, you’ll find out that you can

- Trust with anything

- Nothing is too big or small

- I have an extensive and friendly network

- And that I do care about you 

So - If you have a problem where you think I can help, let me know! 

I jump out of bed every morning with a big smile on my face because I have a feeling that - Today, I’m about to change the world! It doesn’t have to be big; it can be giving you that smile in the lift or giving you insight into a problem, but it can be pushing a product into the lion’s den to tame the beast.


The last years I’ve spent turning sinking, IT ships around and then trying to sell them. Changing things requires a lot of energy and humility to do whatever it takes and constantly evaluate your thoughts to improve. To succeed, I always listen to others cause there are many intelligent people out there.


Serial entrepreneur, Innovation in an international environment.


Sep 2022 – Present (7 mos)·        

Mar 2021 – Present (2 yrs 1 mo)·        

Mar 2021 – Present (2 yrs 1 mo)