Dr. Joachim Taiber
Dr. Joachim Taiber has extensive professional experience in the automotive industry.
He worked for many years as executive at BMW Group both in Germany as well as in the US where he was involved in vehicle development, manufacturing, IT application and infrastructure development as well as in venture incubation. He implemented the BMW Information Technology Research Center (ITIC) at the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR). He also served for multiple years as Research Professor at the Automotive Engineering Faculty of Clemson University and he implemented the International Transportation Innovation Center (ITIC) as a joint initiative between CU-ICAR and the South Carolina Technology and Aviation Center (SCTAC) where he held for many years the position as CTO. ITIC is an automotive test facility which became the founding member of the International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardization (IAMTS) which was founded in 2019 as a program through SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) and became an independent association in 2022 with a global headquarter in Vienna, Austria. The board of IAMTS consists of SAE International, IEEE, TUEV Association and CATARC. Dr. Taiber is acting as managing director for international operations of IAMTS.
Dr. Taiber holds a bachelor, master and PhD degree in technical sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland. He is a permanent US resident and lives with his wife Elizabeth in Greenville, South Carolina.